A message from IMMLY's Founder
By Jacki Rickert
As IMMLY's Founder, I have tried to watch over this site as a Mother watching over a Rx child. I am very happy, as well as proud of all the fine work that has gone into making this a respected Medicinal Cannabis site.
Sometimes, we get so involved with the influx of material, hours, and the wonderful work exchanged between the members of
IMMLY, our fantastic hosts; MAP & Drug Sense, a well oiled chain of links, and of course, the backbone (our
readers that would leave any website as a magazine that is never open, nor
At one time or another, haven't we ALL reached the point of fear, anger, or even outright desperation, that we can honestly recall
asking, crying, or yelling, (be it vocal or silent) Is My Medicine Legal YET??? How this ?<War on Drugs>? could/can deprive any person with an Acute or Critical Medical condition is far beyond my realm of thinking! As far back as I can remember, I believed in
God, Family, and Country. In May of 1990, I slowly began seeing (true Civics 101, and History in a whole new light....not what High School Civics or History taught.
By 1992, I wasn't quite sure what to believe after seeing firsthand that my Country, the U.S.A.'s highest offices, & Politicians were fabricating many untruths to my Physician, my Daughter, myself, each
other, you, and even the press...then things began to restore my Political faith late that summer.
My Daughter & I had the chance to not only see, but
meet, speak with, get autographs from then Sen. Al Gore, & Gov. William J. Clinton (who listened to us, accepted a folder containing all the approvals needed to ship
Government. grown Cannabis <300 pre-rolled Marijuana cigarettes stated by the Govt.
(FDA, DEA, & NIDA. dated Dec. '90.) Looking us straight in the eye, he (Clinton) gave his word "If elected, "I will make it right". After hearing what the Bush Administration did/or neglected to do, he said "Why that's just terrible".) My faith and hope were restored. WRONG! He gained my
vote, but never picked up that pen that would release my Rx. He crumbled my hope, as well as so many other people in need of Cannabis Therapy. He may as well put a dagger in me.)
Wow - that's when I found out greed is more important than people to most
politicians... SOON, we will find out who will be our next President, but I'm sure not holding my breath when it comes to letting physicians decide what meds we should have. It seems
Politicians can practice medicine, and even play god little g ).
IMMLY, is a Rx Cannabis site. Please sign our guestbook, but PLEASE refrain from using
obscene language when doing so. We all need to work together, if Rx Cannabis is to be recognized (again) as a legal Medicine. We may have a bumpy road ahead, but I know we can make a difference in changing policies. As angry & hurt as most of us are, using profanity (the F... word, etc.) will only hurt what we are all trying so hard to do...legally use a safe God-given medication!
If you would be interested in being contacted for future gatherings, Conventions, Medicinal events to help travel, speak, etc.. Please let us know what your medical needs may be for travel. (If you require a wheelchair, walker, special diet, etc. Please help us understand your medical condition, as we might be able to better help you too. Your information is confidential-and will not be used w/o your permission. Thank-you... IMMLY wishes you Happy Holiday's & a Hempy New Year!!!
Please contact:
Jacki Rickert
Mondovi, WI. 54755
IMMLY Founder & Patient Coordinator
Gary Storck
Director of Communications
Madison, WI